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Russ Helps Queensland’s Wildlife HQ Zoo

In late February, Russell flew up to Queensland, along with other Certified Aquascape contractors
from interstate, to help build a pond for a breeding pair of Gibbon monkeys at WildlifeHQ Zoo on the
Sunshine Coast.

This project was part of a giveaway for a worthy cause, promoted by our main supplier – Aquascape
– on the Youtube channel of Greg Wittstock, ‘The Pond Guy’.

You may have seen these guys before on Nat Geo’s show, ‘Pond Stars’.


All materials were donated, while we donated our time to build this amazing new setup. We tried to replicate what the Gibbons would find in their natural habitat, including waterfalls, shallow water, deeper sections, logs to access the pond, tropical plantings, plus a very low maintenance system.

We got to work alongside both our familiar colleagues from interstate, plus the Pond Stars’ team and the last 10 Artists of the Year (a group of people awarded for showing exceptional artistic talent in their pond builds). It was an amazing experience to work directly with so many highly-experienced, talented pond builders.

I think the results speak for themselves.

While we were building, we even had a visit from the local Channel 7 and Channel 9 news teams.

The whole thing was built in just under 6 hours in typically hot, steamy Queensland rain. A pretty amazing feat!

Once the plants establish a bit more and the water has cleared (which normally takes a few days), it will look amazing.

At the end of the project, the WildlifeHQ zookeepers even brought out some Australian icons for the visiting Americans to get their photos with.

If you are ever in the area, we would love you to stop by and have a look at what we created for the Gibbon monkeys in this truly special pond project.